Welcome to the Daily Gossip: your daily stop-off to find out who in the world of music has been up to what.
Today�s top gossip:
Sir Paul McCartney has been getting keep fit tips from The Cheeky Girls. The girls have bumped into the former Beatle many times down their local gym in East Sussex, and have been giving him advice about stretching excercises (The Independent).
From the papers:
Ian Brown swaggered his way out of Notting Hill tube station in London (Daily Star).
Amy Winehouse peered at snappers from the window of her London pad after popping outside to give ice lollies to fans (Daily Star).
Lily Allen dined out with Lindsay Lohan in Los Angeles, and tried on garish dresses to match her shocking pink hair. She wrote on her MySpace blog that she rather enjoyed being followed by the paparazzi, as she fancied one of them (Various).
Fergie watched the LA Lakers play basketball at the Staples Centre, Los Angeles (Daily Star).
E-mailed in from NME.COM users:
John "The Reverend" McClure enjoyed cocktails in the Sanderson Hotel in central London (from B).
Rhys Jones of Good Shoes watched Young Knives at The Star Of Bethnal Green in London (from Josie).
Tim-Rice Oxley of Keane in the White Hart pub in Waterloo, central London (from Hamish).
Check back tomorrow for the next Daily Gossip. E-mail your spots to news@nme.com.